Holme Primary School has been rated as 'good' following a visit from Ofsted inspectors.

The Carnforth school, which serves pupils aged between three and 11, was given the rating after an evaluation in February.

As part of the inspection, inspectors carried out deep dives into early reading, mathematics and history.

Inspectors held discussions about the curriculum and visited a sample of lessons.

They also spoke with children and looked at samples of their work.

Inspectors found that the children attending this school along with their parents and carers all take pride in being a part of the community.

They championed the concept of the school's motto, 'happy children succeed' that features heavily in school operations.

The report states that "pupils, including children in the early years, relish coming to school each day."

Staff were commended for offering strong support leading pupils to feeling valued and listened to.

The report unveils that the school has ambitious expectations for pupils' behaviour and achievements.

It reads: "Pupils’ behaviour is noteworthy.

"They treat each other with respect."

Pupils were also praised for their understanding and acceptance of differences among them, including cultural and lifestyle.

Holme Primary School was applauded for its curriculum design, offering a broad array of opportunities, academic and otherwise.

Inspectors found that "pupils described the wide range of opportunities available to them beyond the academic curriculum."

They partake in trips connected to their studies and take on various roles, such as representing the school in sports or being members of the school council.

Teachers at Holme Primary School were commended for their in-depth knowledge of the subjects they teach, as well as for their successful curriculum delivery.

Inspectors found that the school has robust processes to swiftly recognise any additional needs of pupils who might require extra support or adjustments to the delivery of the curriculum because of special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The report states: "The school has clear systems in place to provide external support for pupils with SEND when needed.

"Pupils with SEND learn well alongside their peers."